Mothers missing out on millions

Royal London's Steve Webb, Director of Policy, and Becky O'Connor, Personal Finance Specialist, explain how a change in the child benefit system is causing thousands of mothers to end up with a reduced state pension

More for you

Help us prevent mothers from ending up with reduced state pensions

Sign our new petition to help us stop thousands of mothers across the UK ending up with lower state pensions


Are you missing out on help with your pension?

Working families are losing millions each year by not realising the connection between claiming child benefit and protecting their state pension record


Why is voting so important?

Find out why voting is such an important part of our society and our business, and how voting at the AGM benefits you


Helping the organisations that matter to you

Your nominations helped us donate £350,000 to not-for-profit organisations across the UK in 2018


Creating more work experience opportunities for members

Our Insight into Work programme has helped lots of members and their families, and we’ve got more opportunities in store for you


Your Q4 2018 outlook

Trevor Greetham, Head of Multi Asset Investments at Royal London, explains how global politics, rising inflation and interest rates could impact your money in Q4 2018