Articles : Pension planning

Staying safe from Brexit scams

With confusion around Brexit giving fraudsters more opportunities to scam customers, knowing what to look out for can help you to protect your pension pot


The financial impact of marrying in later life

For older people, avoiding tying the knot with a partner could have considerable implications for their finances


Help us prevent mothers from ending up with reduced state pensions

Sign our new petition to help us stop thousands of mothers across the UK ending up with lower state pensions


How much do you know about financial advice?

Despite it being very valuable for a lot of people, there are many misconceptions about financial advice. Take our quiz to find out how much you really know


The new state pension: your questions answered

The new state pension has caused many people confusion about how much they’ll get paid in retirement. Our new guide can help you to understand the rules


Helping your grandchildren financially

If you can afford to help out, there are a number of ways you can give money to your grandchildren


How to pay for long-term care

As we get older, many of us will need help looking after ourselves. But what are the options when it comes to paying for long-term care?


Your guide to the GDPR

It can be tricky to get your head around the new data protection rules and what they mean for you. Use our handy guide to find out what you need to know


Are you thinking about retirement early enough?

Having a plan for your retirement as early as possible can make things much easier for you further down the line


What is an annuity and do you need one?

If you’re thinking about buying an annuity to provide you with income in your retirement, it’s important to know the basics


Planning for end of life arrangements

Thinking about death can be hard, but putting plans in place can make a very difficult time easier for those closest to you


Where to get information about your finances

It’s a good idea to seek professional advice when making important financial decisions, but did you know there’s also plenty of other help available?


How to read your payslip: pension deductions

Your payslip often shows a deduction for a contribution into a pension scheme. But how is it worked out and what effect does it have on your tax bill?


Is the pension gender gap affecting you?

A lot has been made of the gender pay gap recently, but what’s not so well known is how this can affect women in retirement


Five reasons to stay in your workplace pension

There are a number of important benefits you could lose if you choose to opt out of your workplace pension scheme


Is it a good idea to transfer out of your pension?

If you’re considering a transfer out of your pension scheme, it’s important to seek professional advice and make sure you understand the pros and cons


Is your pension protected?

While it’s rare for people to lose their pension, or get less than expected, if things go wrong, it’s good to know what protection is in place for your pot


Why is making a will important?

If you don’t make plans on how you want to distribute your wealth once you’re gone, you may leave a host of problems behind


Is it time to let your family help with your finances?

As you get older, you may find that family and friends want to help you with your finances. While this can be helpful, it’s important that you’re in control of how it happens


Are you missing out on help with your pension?

Working families are losing millions each year by not realising the connection between claiming child benefit and protecting their state pension record


Financial advice: is it worth it? 

Consulting with a financial adviser could result, on average, in a boost of over £40,000 to your savings and investments, financial assets and pension


Simple steps to saving for a pension

Following our simple rule of thumb can help make saving for a pension from an early age much less intimidating


Supporting yourself and your family

Grandparents are playing a bigger role in supporting families financially, but it is important to take your future needs into account


Will your council pay for long-term care?

While the situation is different for every local authority, you may be entitled to help with your long-term care


Five ways to take your pension pot

The options for using your pension pot are more flexible than ever. But it’s important to understand how your decisions will affect your retirement income in the future


10 steps to building a financial plan

Having a financial plan in place early on can make it easier to manage your money further down the line


Pensions made easy

Pensions can be difficult to get your head around, but knowing the options can help you build the best nest egg possible for your retirement


Can you leave a pension to your children?

Passing on your remaining pension pot can be a good way to help out loved ones in need, but it is important to understand exactly how the system works


Don’t miss out on extra pension money

Taking full advantage of auto-enrolment, and knowing the maximum contributions offered by your employer, can help you to access extra money for your pension


Is flexible retirement right for me?

On the surface flexible retirement may seem like an attractive option for many, but it is important to weigh up the practicalities


Pension tax relief: how to get £35,000 of free money

Saving into a pension, and taking advantage of tax relief, can be extremely rewarding


How to save enough for your pension

Paying as much as possible into a pension can help you enjoy the retirement you’ve always wanted


How to prepare your pension for retirement

With new pension freedoms providing a more flexible way of accessing your hard-earned cash, it is important to know what the options are


How to boost your pension pot

It can be hard to pay enough for retirement when you are buying a home and raising a family, but it’s never too late to give your pension pot a boost


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The hidden costs of buying a house

Buying a new home can be more expensive than you think. Use our guide to discover all the things you’ll need to budget for


Five things you should take away from the Budget

The Chancellor of the Exchequer presented his 2018 Budget on 29 October. Our Director of Policy Steve Webb explains how it will affect you


How to read your payslip: pension deductions

Your payslip often shows a deduction for a contribution into a pension scheme. But how is it worked out and what effect does it have on your tax bill?


How much do you know about your credit score?

If you want to be accepted for credit, whether it’s a credit card or a loan, your credit score really matters. Take our quiz to find out how much you know about yours


Prioritising your debts

Whether it’s your mortgage or paying off a credit card, debts can make you feel like burying your head in the sand. But prioritising can help you to manage what and how much you owe


Get more involved in your local community

There are lots of easy ways to support your community, from volunteering with a charity to helping out in a local school, or visiting an elderly neighbour
