Year end results 2017

Group Chief Executive Phil Loney explains why 2017 was a record-breaking year for Royal London, and what this means for our members

More for you

Giving back to our members

Group Chief Executive Phil Loney outlines the new membership benefits we've introduced over the past year, and how you can take advantage of them


What’s going on in the markets?

Piers Hillier, Chief Investment Officer at Royal London, explains how market movements have affected Royal London Asset Management's performance over the past year, and why it's been a good one for members' investments


Maximising returns and reducing your risk

Lorna Blyth, Investment Strategy Manager at Royal London, and Trevor Greetham, Head of Multi Asset Investments at Royal London, describe how we balance managing risk with growing your returns over time


Insight into Work: come and work with us!

Our Insight into Work programme means members and their families can experience work at Royal London. Five of our newest candidates tell us about their time working with us


Royal London Foundation: supporting your communities

Thanks to your nominations, we’ve been able to provide funding for not-for-profit organisations across the UK. Here are a few stories of those who received support from us


Giving something back to you

As a mutual, we think our members should share in our success. That’s why, when we do well, we’ll aim to boost your retirement savings. We call this ProfitShare